List of scholarly websites

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Dec 17, 2024 · [CE-L] is the email identifier that was added by the email list software to the subject line after the CE-L member clicked Send on her message. You, as an email sender to … 

Indiana.edu › communications › listservs.html

Please limit your email to school and academic matters. Use this list as a professional communication tool. Post to the list judiciously. No one wants dozens of emails per day that … 

Railslibraries.org › networking › listserv-faqs

Email lists that are managed by RAILS require subscribers to use the same email address that's used on your Library Directory & Learning Calendar (L2) account.. Many of the tasks related to … 


The University of Arizona email list service is for academic,administrative, or official student club business. Email lists can be created by faculty, staff and GTAs Starting from this web page, … 


IU List Web Interface. As a SEELANGS subscriber, you will communicate with the IU List server when you want to post to the list, alter your subscription options, search the archives, or … 


Academic Directors' List (306) ACADEMICCLUBS: 20: Academic Clubs (20) ACCESS: 1012: ACCESS Info (1012) ACCSVCS_TEST: 2: Account Services Test List (2) ACCTCLUB: 29: … 

WebAIM › discussion

The WebAIM web accessibility mailing list is for anyone interested in discussing web accessibility issues. Individuals from all organizations and specialties are encouraged to join. You can … 

The Text This Week › discussi.htm

Subscription information, archives, and web resources are found on the list's home page. The G-Thomas list is " dedicated to the scholarly discussion of the Gospel of Thomas and provides … 

SMU Libraries › law › library › services › faculty

When registering for an ORCID ID, it is recommended that you notify Marja Pietilainen-Rom, our Scholarly Initiatives Librarian, and add her to your account as a trusted individual to ensure …