Create materialized view log

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Create materialized view log

Create materialized view log with rowid

Create materialized view log oracle

Create materialized view log on view

Create materialized view log primary key

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We found at least 10 Websites Listing below when search with create materialized view log on Search Engine

Wordpress.com › manage-a-fast

4.2 Create a materialized view log and make sure to purge it every 3 hours. 4.3 Create a materialized view and make sure it is updated every time the master table changes. [5] Tips … 

Stack Overflow › questions

Nov 18, 2010 · connect userA/passwordA grant select on my_table to userB; connect userB/passwordB create view my_view as select * from userA.my_table; Of course now you … 

Oracle Ask TOM › ords

1) you can either use sys.dbms_system to set sql_trace in your session from another session or for this user create a login database trigger that issues: execute immediate 'alter session set … 

Halimdba.blogspot.com › how-to-track

Mar 21, 2010 · 4. create trigger on specific table by runing this script ===== SQL> @create_trigger.sql-----set serveroutput on set feedback off set verify off set embedded on set … 

Databricks.com › technical-blog

Oct 15, 2024 · If you are running a lot of flows (i.e., processing streaming tables and materialized views) in your DLT pipeline, the driver node can come under strain. As DLT is built on the … 

Database Administrators Stack Exchange › questions

You can't drop the table, anyway; and you can't drop the column if it's actually referenced, and the only way to add the IDENTITY property is to drop/re-create the column, or drop/re-create the … 

Oracle › technetwork › cn › tutorials

@create_mv_logs1.sql DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON sales; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON sales WITH ROWID, SEQUENCE (prod_id, cust_id, time_id, channel_id, … 

Tistory.comhttps://otsteam.tistory.comTranslate this result

Feb 26, 2015 · TTS (Transportable Tablespace) 개요 Transportable Tablespace기능은 기존 데이터 로딩 방식이 실제 데이터를 추출하여 insert 하는 방식과는 다르게 테이블 스페이스 단위로 … 

Anbob.com › archives

May 9, 2013 · CREATE ConstraintS and INDEXS ##### impdp username/XXXX directory=xxx DUMPFILE=newtopbox%U.dump SQLFILE=create_index.sql INCLUDE=constraint,index …